
Theme day is the training for parents with children with disabilities.On this day parents get knowledge about the following;-
  • Assistive Devices
Ralated equipment parent aides were mentioned devices are directed also uses it when they have their children.Some of them are wheel chair,Splints,Stand etc.
  • Knowing a premature disability and the importance of early treatment
    Parents to be part of the medical attendance of children at the relevant time and not wait until the child be sick for a child's healthy.
  • Importance of sport for children with disabilities.
These are some of importance of sports to \children;-
  1. a child grow mentally.
  2. Enables the child to interact with colleagues.
  3. games are used as a treatment for a child.
  4. Strengthens the health of the child.
  5. Helps identify the baby's forehead. 
  • Nutrition

 Facilitators of THEME DAY on 25/03/2015, AMINA MBOWE(Occupation Therapist), CATHERINE OKIA(Child Sponsorship Officer),Dr.MVUNGI.(Doctor)

Why get care early?
  • care early (younger under 5 years) is important because the child's brain grows rapidly in this era pose body parts are still infants to adaptability.
  • When the brain is growing you learn many new things so easy for adaptability problem
            It is important to know if a child has a problem early
    •   How to know is to ask doctors and nurses after delivery if the baby is safe or has a problem.
    • Carefully monitor the proximity of the child's development and growth generally.its growth and changes in health.This is to ensure accessible guardianship measures in time.
    •  if the child has a problem of his body parts are best to get medical care early